A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history


27x46x5 inches (h x w x d)
handmade book

"According to Buddhism, characteristic of the world changes through passing on eons. At this time, we are in the period of iron. From the cover of the artwork, you experience the world of white, meaning Ether that is similar to the energy of Universe and the state that nothing visible exists. The first page presents will that is a desire of human being to exist in the world. Pointy pins describe it. The second page presents the state of chaos, which is described by nails, pins, and wrapped dolls with gauze on stained cloth. The final page presents metal human beings that are depicted by graphite and silver-colored plastic baby dolls. The book presents that things appear and exist according to our will and desire. In terms of form, I minimize images on each page to reinforce stronger impact."

Heejung Kim, "Description of art works"


books; time; Kim, Heejung
Source: Slide
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