A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history

Essay "Sang Nam Lee's 'Minus and Plus'" by Robert C. Morgan from exhibition catalog, San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, 1997


Essay dated: July 1993, New York

4 pages
11.5x8 inches (h x w x d)

MLA Citation

Morgan, Robert C. "Sang Nam Lee's 'Minus and Plus'." San Nam Lee: Project Recede II. Seoul: Taeyang C&P Co., 1997.
San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 1
San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 2
San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 3
San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 4
Source: Catalog
Title page
San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 1 San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 2 San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 3 San Nam Lee: Project Recede II, catalog, pg 4